Friday, April 10, 2020

Turning the Compost

I read that I should "turn" my compost heap every couple of weeks.  So far it has been more like every couple of years.  But yesterday, Thursday, April 9, 2020, I finally did it again.

It doesn't look like very much compost.  And, actually, it is not.  I had taken a wheelbarrow load out of the bin a few weeks ago and spread it on the back yard. 

Using a shovel and a garden hoe, I took most of the compost out of the bin and piled it in front.  It was pretty well stirred by this process.

Now all that remained was to get all of the compost back into the bin.  This turned out to be more difficult.  I could only use the shovel for this, stirring and aerating the compost that much more as I shoveled it back into the bin.

Back in the bin.

And, finally, the bin closed up.  Altogether, about 45 minutes of drudgery in the hot sun.  But I have the satisfaction of knowing that I have done the right thing by my compost.