Thursday, March 15, 2012

Looking After Cian: Day 2

Today Cian and I went canoeing at the Hillsborough River State Park.

Note the 1988 flood level.  (You many need to enlarge the image in order to read the sign.)  I remember 1988.  It was a very wet year!
 There were plenty of canoes available.
 Setting out.
 You can almost believe this area still looks like it looked before the Europeans arrived.
  See the gator?
He looked really big from the canoe.  I think he was eight to ten feet long. Cian suggested that we move back.  
  The people behind us wanted a closer look.
  Notice the munchkin snapping a picture from about ten feet away.
Usually gators slip into the water as soon as they spot people in a canoe.  This one just lay there.  He was still there when we passed this spot on the way back.

Rustic beauty!

 We saw two of these purple boxes hanging from trees beside the river.  I don't know what they are.  Insect traps for researchers?
   Getting bored!

Heading back.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You need to watch "Swamp People" on the History channel, you may think harder about being around gators. Tim